As you prepare to enter the marketplace with your product or service, it’s important that they be mindful of two key elements: ensure that your product or service solves a problem and verify there’s a demand for it. By carefully evaluating the viability of your product or service, you'll be able to determine whether or not to invest capital in their business idea, fine-tune the idea or focus on other opportunities.
2021 CB Insights study found that 35% of small business startups failed because their product was not needed in the marketplace. This sobering statistic illustrates the importance of conducting market research and testing your product or service.
Having an outstanding idea to address consumer problems is amazing, but it's equally important to understand the perspective of your potential customers. Conducting research to identify the needs your product can meet will help you gauge if you've truly pinpointed a solution to a specific problem people encounter.Research can involve looking up statistics and articles online, reviewing feedback of businesses with similar products, or actually conducting your own studies. Here are some helpful tips for conducting research:
A great way to gauge your market is by becoming a vendor at local events like farmer's markets, festivals, artisans' markets, or craft fairs. The expenses involved can vary, but you'll have the opportunity to gather feedback from a diverse audience. As you witness increasing sales and demand, consider moving on to larger, more prominent product shows.
It's easy for us to become emotionally attached to our creations and assume they're ready for launch without proper testing. However, this can lead to costly experiments that consume valuable time and effort, potentially dampening your enthusiasm. Even though you’re eager and anxious to start working your business, by conducting thorough research and testing your business product or service, you'll make better use of your time and energy, setting yourself up for success.
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